Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Your secret blogger @ Majestic Models and Casting Agency

Well it is Tuesday morning and the Majestic Team are very excited about there new booking system, lets just say Joanne (the boss) is now cracking that whip! :) Majestic Models and and Casting are also in the process of having a new website built by an amazing team and by having this site it will give all dedicated models access to their very own web page so they can add to their book, update their stats, confirm casting and jobs etc as well as letting us know when there available is by adding to the Model Agency dairy. So those do not appear on our live site as we speak please do not worry you will be added to the new website as pretty pointless adding you to the old one and then the new, makes no sense, am sure you agree.

My task today is try to get some sneaky photos of the team and add them to our blog - lets hope they are not reading this until i have achieved my task. Hehe..

Have a great day all and you will be hearing from moi real soon.

Your secret blogger x

Monday, 27 April 2015

Davina lands front cover

Check out our stunning Davina landing herself on front cover of Lets Knit Magazine, more photos to follow. Truly beautiful.

Isla shooting for Barbie

Our gorgeous Isla with her wonderful Barbie dolls from client from her shoot. Isla is one of our star child models and is doing really well. Keep up the good work beautiful girl. :) x

Friday, 24 April 2015

Littlewoods Catalogue

Our gorgeous child model Isla modelling for Littlewoods, how adorable. #toocuteforwords

Thursday, 23 April 2015

Bosses daughter checking out her ever growing empire! Too cute for words. Our very own female version of Alan Sugar #babyboss #babymodel #toocute

Right girls, lets talk business, keep in mind I can count to three and I do not care if my mum says it is nap time, it is nap time when i say, I have far too much work to do.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Welcome to Majestic Models and Castings Blog.. :)

Welcome to Majestic Models and Castings. We will start off with a big announcement.
Majestic Models and Casting is delighted to announce the opening of our new office in London! #Exciting #letthefuncommence #modelagency #castingagency
We are very excited about this new chapter in the development of our business, and it shows that our company motto ‘Vires Acquirit Eundo’, ‘We Gather Strength as We Go’ is very apt!
We are looking forward to expanding our client base in London as well as still office based in Chester, Cheshire, in all of our different divisions including Modelling, Casting, Photography and Promotions.

You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Facebook for Cheshire: Majestic Models and Casting
Facebook for London office: Majestic Models and Casting - London
Twitter: Majestic Models